2022 Apr Update: Daycares

Howdy! The struggle is real to keep a consistent schedule. I’m trying to carve out time for different areas of life but baby takes up almost the whole pie each day (as expected). But I’m still chugging along in the background for other things. 😊 Currently having mild success by working on personal goals for at least 30 minutes a day. ⏰ If you’re not where you want to be in certain projects, remember that it all takes time....

May 6, 2022 · 3 min · Lamont

2022 Feb Update: Side-Quest

Hello again! I feel like it’s only been a week since the last update. Oh how time flies. 🪁 This month, I’ve taken a side-quest and started working on a problem I’ve had as a parent. I noticed that it’s difficult to find child-care centers in Vancouver. Some issues: There’s a general lack of information online via search Some centers don’t have websites and aren’t even on Google Maps 📍 Fraser Health’s website is hard to navigate So I’ve been developing a web app to find day-care centers around Vancouver....

March 1, 2022 · 2 min · Lamont

2022 Jan Update: Step Function

Hi there! Welcome to the first edition of my newsletter. Glad to have you here 👋 This has been a busy month. My last day at work was at the beginning of this month, and since then life has felt like a step function. Before, I was mainly focussed on wrapping things up at work while my wife was focussed on the baby. Since I quit, the roles have been reversed as she’s easing back into work and I’m caretaker during the workday....

February 3, 2022 · 2 min · Lamont